How did your perspective when looking at the mounting garbage,
whether it be problems or challenges that invite
the opportunity?
It's no secret that the waste problem has become a common problem in many places, especially in big cities. The challenge is how to make waste processing unit that zero waste and be profitable? Integration of continuous pyrolysis technology and biogas system is the answer on this. With pyrolysis, organic waste, plastics, and tires will produce specific products with high economic value. When the processing of organic waste are the main products produced charcoal, biooil, and syngas. All of them can be used for energy applications. While the plastic is processed then the primary product is syn crude oil whose quality as petroleum. Processing of scrap tires with pyrolysis will produce syn crude oil like in plastic pyrolysis processing, carbon black, syngas and steel wire.
It's no secret that the waste problem has become a common problem in many places, especially in big cities. The challenge is how to make waste processing unit that zero waste and be profitable? Integration of continuous pyrolysis technology and biogas system is the answer on this. With pyrolysis, organic waste, plastics, and tires will produce specific products with high economic value. When the processing of organic waste are the main products produced charcoal, biooil, and syngas. All of them can be used for energy applications. While the plastic is processed then the primary product is syn crude oil whose quality as petroleum. Processing of scrap tires with pyrolysis will produce syn crude oil like in plastic pyrolysis processing, carbon black, syngas and steel wire.
With the sale of the products of
pyrolysis, so the activity of
MSW processing is not only dependent on the
tipping fee, but
the majority of the profits
derived from the sale of the pyrolysis products.
In addition there are two thermal process
beside pyrolysis which is used on MSW
processing, there are gasification and incineration, but pyrolysis
has many advantages over both methods, more details
please click here.
In the processing of organic waste with this continuous pyrolysis technology, before the organic waste enter into the
pyrolysis unit, the moisture
content of the organic waste need
to be reduced to about 10% by
using a mechanical device.
In this process
will produce leachate that rich
with organic matter so that the potential for biogas system
in anaerobic digestion reactor,
so that gas can
be produced for
power generation. While the byproducts
of residual water will be cleaner because the organic components decompose
during the formation of biogas, thus safely discharged
to the environment and the solid
residue will be used as high-quality compost.
I am sure this information will help large number of people to focus on some of the important aspects of the topic.
BalasHapusDomestic Biogas Plant in Bangalore
Recycling of Waste in Bangalore
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